Blog Challenge Day 2: Top 5 Favorite Movies

Alright, folks! Day 2 of the blog challenge and I am going to share with you my Top 5 Favorite Movies! Obviously, this is just personal opinion. And when I think of favorite movies, I usually thinking of ones that I grew up with and could watch over and over again. So, in no particular order….



“You remind me of the babe. What babe? The babe with the power. What power? The power of voodoo. Who do? You do. Do what? Remind me of the babe!”

Oh, how I love this movie. And I just wanted to wear that dress that Sarah wears in the masquerade ball scene. Here is that scene and song:



“Carryin’ the banner!” I think that when I was in 6th grade, I watched this movie every single day when I got home from school. And if you ever watch it with me, I will be annoyingly singing along and quoting lines. Sorry. I mean, come on, young Christian Bale trying to do a New York accent, plus several of the dancers are from a show I used to love on Nickelodeon called Roundhouse. And Michael Goorjian, who I still have a crush on.  I also danced to Seize The Day in one of my dance recitals:




Of course.  You know, now I am a music journalist. I liked this movie before that, but recently I watched it with my boyfriend and he said, “That’s you. That’s why you like this so much, isn’t it? Because that’s you.” There are so many great quotes in this one, but of course my favorite scene is the Tiny Dancer scene. You’re welcome.


stand-by-me-coverOh such a young pup I was. Wil Wheaton, Jerry O’Connell, Corey Feldman and River Phoenix. And Kiefer Sutherland of course. I don’t know if I even knew what this was really about when I first watched it. ” I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve.” This is pretty true. I eventually stopped being close to my best friend when I was twelve, but we did everything together. We were completely uncool and we didn’t care, because…. we didn’t.




Last but not least, this was probably my first favorite movie. And I was three years old when it came out. What three or four year old can even sit through Amadeus? It’s not a short movie. But I loved it. What can I say, I was a weird kid. I used to conduct in front of the bathroom mirror and run around yelling for “Wolfy!” Mozart is still my fave. Don’t hate.


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