Coming Soon to a Blog Near You
Finished the Duct Tape 911 book. Review and interview with the author soon!
I just found out that Fiskars has introduced Duck Edition Scissors. They have a non-stick blade coating specifically for cutting through duct tape without getting that gross sticky build-up that is NOT fun to try to get off! It looks like they are available in two different size- 5″ and 8″, at both and…
I decided I needed something to kick start me back into blogging more regularly. So I came across something called a 30 Day Song Challenge , with prompts already designed for me. Each day for 30 days, I will share with you a song and I want you to feel free to share with me…
I decided I needed something to kick start me back into blogging more regularly. So I came across something called a 30 Day Song Challenge , with prompts already designed for me. Each day for 30 days, I will share with you a song and I want you to feel free to share with me…
1) It’s almost my birthday. 2) My name only has one L. 3) I have a kayak. 4) I know how to read 5) Sometimes I get into concerts for free. 6) I can probably quote the entire movie Newsies. 7) My socks rarely match. 8) I can tap dance a little. 9) I have my own website. 10) I have a ridiculous amount of…
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