National Hollerin’ Day
I am always interested in random holidays and celebrations.
I bet you didn’t know that today, September 12, is National Hollerin’ Day. Or maybe you did know that.
Anyway, there is also a National Hollerin’ Festival being held today in Spivey’s Corner, North Carolina. I guess there will be live music, food, demonstrations, a car show, vendors, and of course, the 46th Annual National Hollerin’ Contest!
Here is a little info on the History of Hollerin’.
And also the history of the National Hollerin’ Contest.
Check out the schedule. It actually looks pretty fun.
And all that fun for only $5! If I was anywhere near that, I would definitely stop by and check it out.
8:00: Car Show Registration begins
11:00: Kid’s Zone Inflatables: $1 per play or $20 arm band for all day
*Quilting Exhibit, Making Craklins, Naval Stores Exhibit, Blacksmithing Demonstration & Ferrier Demonstration are all ongoing throughout the day.
11:15: BBQ Cook-off Trophy Presentations at the main stage
11:30 – 12:40: The Walters Family on stage with bluegrass gospel music
11:30: *Homemade Butter Making, Churning demonstration
11:45: *Homemade Biscuit Making
12:15: *Traditional Hollerin’ Lessons with 2014 NHC Champ Tony Peacock
12:30 – 3:00: *Plowing Demonstrations by the NC Workhorse & Mule Assn.
12:00: -Car Show Registration Ends-
1:00: Clogging Exhibition by Kerry’s Dance Beat
1:15: Dennis Cash Carolina Bluegrass, Gospel, Folk & Old Time music songman
1:30: *Homemade Sausage Making demonstration
1:40: Clogging Exhibition by Kerry’s Dance Beat
2:00: -Hollerin’ Contest Registration Ends-
*Tobacco Tying demonstration
2:05: Car Show Trophy Presentations on the main stage
2:15: *Corn Shelling demonstration
2:30 – 4:15: The Grass Cats on stage with great bluegrass music
2:30: *Homemade Butter Making, Churning demonstration
2:45: *Homemade Biscuit Making demonstration
3:00: *Tobacco Tying demonstration
3:15: *Corn Shelling demonstration
3:30: *Homemade Sausage Making demonstration
-Contests on the Main Stage-
4:30: Junior Hollerin’, Teen Hollerin’, & Conk Shell Blowin’ Contests
5:00: Ladies Callin’ Contest
5:55: Prize Drawing/Tractor Show Trophy Presentation
6:00: National Hollerin’ Contest