A Duct Tape Tutorial
Here is a fun new duct tape project that I have seen lately, from a crafter who is nice enough to share with you how to make it yourself. Richela Fabian Morgan refers to herself as “an indie crafter specializing in duct tape (and other adhesives), paper, and found objects.” Check out her video tutorial on how to…
I Need These: Duct Tape Scissors
I just found out that Fiskars has introduced Duck Edition Scissors. They have a non-stick blade coating specifically for cutting through duct tape without getting that gross sticky build-up that is NOT fun to try to get off! It looks like they are available in two different size- 5″ and 8″, at both Fiskars.com and…
Duct Tape and Lace
While not actually related to duct tape, I did like the name of this store in Troup, Texas- Duct Tape and Lace. Owned by Robbyn Stockton and her mother Shannan Penrod, the store is a sort of antique shop/flea market with the idea that with a little “duct tape and lace”, old things can be…
Kids and Duct Tape
Do you have to be a cute kid to make a living selling duct tape crafts? Ten year old Francesca Pinto sells duct tape wallets and is sponsored by Westcott Brands, who provide her with her supplies. It looks like the website is down right now, so I can’t see all of her products but…
I See a New Project Coming On
I was reading this article from the Erie-Times News. The topic is decorating your dorm room using duct tape. Some of the items they mention are frames, lanyards, tablet sleeves, and pencil cups. But my personal favorite was the desk chair featured in this picture: I totally want to try this so this may…