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Wisdomantics Board Game Review and Giveaway
I recently received a new game to review. It is called Wisdomantics, an interactive DVD board game for 2-4 players, ages 12 and up. Here is a quick description of the game: Wisdomantics–New King James Version (NKJV) is an interactive DVD board game for players of various faiths who desire to gain the vast wisdom…
Giveaway! Bible Journaling Kit #FlyBy #BibleJournalingKit
Hey everybody! I recently received a product to review and I am going to be sharing that with you today! The Bible Journaling Kit from Ellie Claire, a division of Worthy Publishing Group, is a fun and crafty way to read and journal. When I opened the box, I was actually surprised at how much…
March 2020 Update
Hey, hey, hey everybody! Well, it’s apparently been a long, long time since I’ve posted anything here. I’m back!! Well, it seems like my life has been affected by this whole thing that is going on right now. I don’t think I need to tell you what it is. All three of my jobs are…