5 Bands that are Rocking Quarantine

5 Bands that are Rocking Quarantine

Unfortunately, due to all the quarantine and lock-down and social distancing rules going on right now, live music has suffered tremendously. As a music journalist, I am acutely aware of how this affects not just the fans, but the musicians, their crews, publicists and their families as well. Thankfully, many artists have found ways to still bring the music to the masses in ways that may be a little different from the norm. This is not a list of my favorite artists, and of course there are many others doing awesome things as well, but here are five bands that are definitely making the best of their time when they can’t hit the stage in the usual way. 

March 2020 Update

March 2020 Update

Hey, hey, hey everybody! Well, it’s apparently been a long, long time since I’ve posted anything here. I’m back!! Well, it seems like my life has been affected by this whole thing that is going on right now. I don’t think I need to tell you what it is. All three of my jobs are…